Monday, 6 August 2007

Here Fishy, Fishy, Fishy...

Bahrain Bay land probe suspended

A PROBE into unlicensed land reclamation at the King Faisal coastal area has been suspended after councillors failed to identify the type of violation or those behind it. Municipalities and Agriculture Affairs Minister Mansoor Bin Rajab refused to give the Manama Municipal Council the go-ahead to form an investigation committee into the matter, unless clear documents and evidence are presented.


Hmm...well if this doesn't sound a tad fishy, I don't know what does. So, this cannot be classified as a violation. How does that make sense really? If they are reclaiming land without the license to do so, doesn't that by default mean a violation. Unless, I am misinterpreting what they mean by unlicensed :S. Those behind it? Well, you'd think since it they're burying the sea, it would kind of be hard to do that sneaking about when no one's looking. Does anyone else find this just ever so am I to say....suspicious??

But....Its not all that bad for the fishing community in Bahrain....


New BD500,000 harbour on way

FISHERMEN and seafarers in Barbar will soon have a new BD500,000 harbour, walkway and recreational area. The Northern Municipal Council will supervise the building of the harbour in co-ordination with a Bahrain-based contracting company, which will be chosen by the council, said councillor Abdulghani Abdulaziz Khalil Ibrahim.

He said residents in the area had been asking for a proper harbour so they could dock their boats safely and have better access to the sea.

"By building a harbour for residents, we will also prevent dangerous accidents from occurring to seafarers," said Mr Ibrahim.

"Fishermen now go to sea barefoot to reach their boats, but with all the dumping in the sea, there are a lot of sharp objects that can harm them.

"Our aim is to clean up that part of the sea for the fishermen and give them easier access to their boats and the sea.

The harbour will be extended into the sea and will be built in an L-shaped design, said Mr Ibrahim.


Look what they get in exchange for losing a huge chunk of their livelihood! A new harbour!! ::Rolls Eyes:: ....seems like we're getting HARBOUR FEVER here in Bahrain....maybe they just realized what a harbour is and decided.."Hey, lets throw H-aR-B-oooors here, here and here!!"