Wednesday, 23 May 2007

Gulf Air at Place de la Concorde

Major probe into Gulf Air's books
Gulf Daily News
MANAMA: Officials are going through Gulf Air's records with a fine toothcomb, Finance Minister Shaikh Ahmed bin Mohammed Al Khalifa told MPs yesterday. No one in the airline, now solely owned by Bahrain, is above the law, he told parliament.

An article of great interest to many has been published in today's GDN. It is about another problem for the world's most plagued airline. After several years of corruption and stealing, the government, as the airline is now 100% Bahraini and whatnot, have decided to go through Gulf Air's records "with a fine toothcomb" might I add! :*Rolls Eyes*:.... I wonder what they'll find...they'll probably make startling know...the stuff they knew was going on all along...yeah...that....

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